Program Intensif Lulus UN

Rp500.000 Rp300.000
Program ini diperuntukan bagi siswa siswi yang menduduki jenjang kelas : 6 SD, 9 SMP dan 12 SMA dengan tujuan : 
  • Pemantapan Konsep Dasar dan peningkatan prestasi 
  • Penyelesaian ribuan soal bertipe Ujian Nasional 
  • Konsultasi belajar & pemilihan sekolah/jurusan favorit 
  • Persiapan dini Ujian Sekolah (US) dan UN 
  • Persiapan dini SNMPTN untuk kelas 12 SMA.

1 komentar

  1. Another is that the transition M1_t12 is fired; then the CNC machining system stays on standby waiting for an additional task. Computer Numerically Controlled or precision CNC machining was initially developed over 50 years precision machining ago by a bunch of machine device builders involving machine work that needed to be completed for the U.S. Organizations across industries can improve their manufacturing processes by leveraging computer-numerical management machining. The objective of CNC machining is to create a prototype by cutting a block of material into a particular shape. It takes an skilled engineering group to correctly function our software program and produce high-quality parts—but this difficulty threshold is exactly what sets our CNC Machines and their operators aside.
